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The Largest cat painting in the World

The Largest cat painting in the World
titled "Spring dance: A walk into summer" 
by Asian American Artist Anita Yan Wong

#largestcatpaintingintheworld #minimalistcatart

Size: 6ft x 20 ft
Medium: ink and acrylic on canvas
Year: 2024

The Largest Cat painting in the World titled "Spring dance: A walk into summer" will be shown to the Public @ The Cat Art Show 2024, Yuan Ru Art Center, Bellevue, Washington

This painting is double the size of the early 19th century largest cat painting in the world, it is more airy and dynamic in style. Anita Yan Wong is a 4th generation Lingnan artist and Art Professor, her works are featured on over 80 Blogs and Magazine Interviews.

More information about the artist here

Anita's Cat Art Books –
For more information about Anita's cat art, please visit here
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The Largest cat painting in the World

The Largest cat painting in the World


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